NASA Reports Communication Loss Between Perseverance Rover and Ingenuity Mars Helicopter

NASA Reports Communication Loss Between Perseverance Rover and Ingenuity Mars Helicopter

Ingenuity Mars Helicopter Loses Contact with Perseverance Rover, NASA Reports

On January 20, NASA disclosed that the Ingenuity Mars Helicopter has lost communication with the Perseverance rover, which serves as a link between the helicopter and mission control on Earth.

Ingenuity, initially attached to NASA's Mars Perseverance rover, touched down on the Red Planet in February 2021, coinciding with the two-year anniversary of its inaugural flight on April 19, 2021.

Originally assigned for five test flights to demonstrate its groundbreaking technology, the Ingenuity helicopter surpassed all expectations.

During its 72nd flight on January 18, designed as a brief vertical flight to assess the helicopter's systems after an unplanned landing in the previous flight, Ingenuity reached a maximum altitude of 40 feet. However, communication was lost before touchdown, as reported by NASA.

The Perseverance rover, equipped with six wheels, is actively exploring for signs of ancient microbial life on Mars. As of now, it is out of the line of sight with Ingenuity. NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California, managing both missions, mentioned the possibility of driving closer for a visual inspection.

The Ingenuity team is currently analyzing available data and considering strategies to re-establish communication with the helicopter.

Throughout its 72 flights on Mars, Ingenuity has remained airborne for over 128 minutes and covered a total distance of 17.7 km, according to the mission's flight log.

Source: IANS

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