Amazon's Attempt to Charge for Alexa's AI Skills Faces Unexpected Obstacle

Amazon's Attempt to Charge for Alexa's AI Skills Faces Unexpected Obstacle

Guess what's up with Alexa now? 

Amazon's thinking about making you pay for a spiffed-up version called "Alexa Plus." It's got some cool upgrades, like a fancy AI that gives smarter answers. But here's the kicker - they might ask you to chip in a few bucks every month for it.

Rumor has it that Amazon's been struggling to make money with Alexa. So, they've been working on this souped-up version, Alexa Plus. This one's supposed to be a game-changer with its new AI smarts. But, to cover the costs, Amazon's thinking of slapping on a monthly fee. The catch? We don't know how much yet.

Back in September, the bigwigs at Amazon hinted at this move. They even had a trial run with more than 15,000 users under the name "Remarkable Alexa." Now, word on the street is that they might roll it out on June 30, but shh, it's not official yet.

So, what's Alexa Plus bringing to the table? Not a whole new bag of tricks, it seems. It's more about making things smoother and easier to control your smart gadgets. They teased us with a few things like throwing a bunch of commands in one sentence and setting up Routines just by talking.

But here's the scoop - the test run didn't go as planned. The new Alexa got chattier and more personalized, but it also messed up with some wrong answers. Amazon's on it, though. They're giving Alexa a makeover to fix those hiccups.

Now, here's where it gets interesting. There's some drama going on behind the scenes. The original Alexa team and the folks working on the paid version are having a bit of a clash. Some Amazon employees are scratching their heads, wondering if people will actually pay extra for this fancy Alexa when they're already shelling out for other Amazon stuff.

With all the bumps in the road, there's a chance Alexa Plus might face some delays. But hey, Amazon's determined to finally make some money off its digital assistant, even though Alexa's been a bit of a money pit forever. Let's see how it all plays out!


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